
MADELINE Beauty Center

Buat aku bagian terpenting seorang wanita selain tubuh yaitu bagian muka, karena muka adalah salah satu aset atau investasi jangka panjang bagi seorang wanita. Salah satu perawatan yang paling aku gemarin untuk merawat mukaku yaitu facial, bagi sebagian orang mungkin facial identik dengan pengangkatan komedo atau jerawat,dan banyak orang takut dengan rasa sakit saat facial atau dampak facial yang membuat pori pori membesar, tapi jangan takut soalnya aku kali ini ingin memperkenalkan kalian dengan salah satu Klinik Estetika Terpercaya dan Terbaik di Indonesia yaitu Madeline Beauty Center   . 

Beruntung pada Bulan November kemarin aku mendapat kesempatan mencoba layanan Super Oxy Facial dari Madeline Beauty Center, yang terletak di Jalan Gunawarman No. 19, Kebayoran Baru, Jakarta Selatan. Klinik yang di Kebayoran Baru ini merupakan salah satu lokasi dari tiga lokasi Klinik Madeline Beauty Center.
Sebelum kita membahas soal Super Oxy Facial , aku pengen menjelaskan dulu jenis - jenis treatment yang di tawarkan oleh Madeline Beauty Center yaitu:

  1. Doctor treatment, contohnya glowing skin tightening, dan Miss V rejuvenation;
  2. Facial treatment, contohnya Super Oxy Facial, dan Totok wajah dan aura.
  3. Body treatment, contohnya body whitening, body spa, dan infrared body slimming.

Madeline Beauty Center juga memiliki Ruangan Tematik yang elegan sehingga membuat nyaman dan aman karena setiap pelanggan diberikan satu kamar spesial (tidak sharing tempat dengan pelanggan lainnya)

Nah sekarang mari kita bahas soal Super Oxy Facial, Super Oxy Facial ini berguna untuk melembabkan kulit wajah, melancarkan sirkulasi darah, menjadikan kulit wajah lebih cerah dan bercahaya, menghaluskan, menghilangkan noda di wajah dan jerawat ,mengembalikan keremajaan kulit, mengencangkan otot wajah dan mencegah kerutan di wajah dan berapa sih biaya yang di keluarkan untuk facial ini? Harga Super Oxy Facial ini hanya Rp.388.000,00 dan kalian dapat mengambil paket untuk 5x pemakaian sebesar Rp. 288.000,00/ session. Cukup terjangkau bukan, dan karena Super Oxy Facial ini treatment wajah menggunakan oxygen murni.

Facial ini tidak sakit sama sekali karena permukaan wajah kita tidak di pencet melainkan di treatment dengan oxygen dan di massage dengan halus. Efeknya wajahku jadi kenyal dan glowing sehabis melakukan facial ini, dan facial ini sendiri tidak berbahaya kalau di lakukan dua kali sampai tiga kali seminggu, dan tidak membuat pori pori membesar, karena bersifat merawat dan memberikan permukaan wajah oxygen yang di perlukan wajah. 

Selain treatment, Madeline Beauty Center juga memiliki rangkaian perawatan produk kecantikan The Skin Rapha yang dibuat di Korea dengan bahan alami. Produk-produk ini mengandung lime organik, collagen, squalene, lavender, olive oil, dan propolis. The Skin Rapha juga sudah terdaftar di BPOM dan sudah ISO Certificate jadi sangat aman digunakan.

The Skin Rapha memiliki 3 line untuk jenis kulit yaitu Dry Normal & Brightening, Oily Combination Normal Skin, dan Sensitive and Brightening. Dengan kandungan buah alami Lime, produk The Skin Rapha mampu menekan radikal bebas, meregenerasi sel kulit, mengatur PH Balance, dan mencerahkan wajah karena mengandung vitamin C dan Ascorbic Acid. Produk The Skin Rapha bisa kalian dapatkan di Madeline Beauty Center terdekat.

Jadi kalo kalian ingin mempunyai wajah glowing, sehat, dan cerah, kalian wajib cobain Super Oxy Facial Treatment di Madeline Beauty Center. Lokasi nya juga terdapat di berbagai tempat yaitu:

Gunawarman: Jl. Gunawarman no.19 Kebayoran Baru, Jakarta Selatan, Telpon 021-72788002 atau WA - 081291032919
Muara Karang: Muara Karang Blok D7 Barat No.59 A, Jakarta Utara, Telpon 021-6613777 atau WA - 087886097221
Gading Serpong: Jl. Gading Golf Boulevard, Ruko Beryl 1 no 35-36, Gading Serpong, Telpon 021-5460777 atau WA - 085770435776
Tunggu apa lagi coba Super Oxy Facial dan rasakan sendiri efek dari treatment ini, <3



So, Let's talk about my last event with Hush Puppies. Who doesn't know about Hush Puppies? Even I had a some of this American Brand at home, not only footwear, they are also producing clothes, bag, accessories even luggages.  I am a big fan of their product. This time around Hush Puppies launching their new product called Hush Puppies Ballerinas, what makes this ballerina collection with their other collection?

They are designing this footwear in hope to make all women be able to wear their shoes without worry about the comfort of their feet, The product asset it self focus on it's comfort and style. The Ballerinas Collection comes in two different model, Belle and Samantha. They are having so many color that catch my eyes. I'm personally love them all <3 I meant who doesn't wear flat shoes? Even thought I'm short *well I guess I am* , I am usually wearing heels but on daily basis I am wearing flat shoes, because it can be such a pain in the ass wearing heels on daily basis *crying* and I feel like I can still looks good while wearing this Ballerinas Collection <3.  

Let's talk about the event, I was coming way too early at the event since I want to avoid Jakarta traffic. The event it self hosted at Lewis and Carol, well at first I was shocked, I meant I didn't expect, the event would be that well prepared, Flower and their dog mascot displayed in every corner and table not to forget the way they display the shoes and arrange the event. It was really pleasant evening, taking photos, trying the product , not to forget how we learn how to take photos flatlay and enjoying our 3 course meal with live music from Radhini. Her voice was amazing <3 

I guess I can't thank Hush Puppies enough for Inviting me <3 Thank you Hush Puppies, I must say The event is a huge success. Love it <3  

Anyway Hush Puppies is available in all major dept store all over Indonesia and you can visit their stores here in Jakarta at Baywalk Pluit, Central Park , Grand Indonesia , Kota kasablanka , Kuningan City , Lippo Mall Kemang , Mall Kelapa Gading , Mall Puri Indah , Mall Taman Anggrek, PIK Avenue , Pluit Village and f(X) Mall


Day to night make up

So i know it's a bit late , just found out that sasyachi (hot mama) is having her birthday giveaway!! Happy birthday Sasyachi ( check her instagram @sasyachi and her blog hellosasyachi.com ) and what she give to us if we win her giveaway? 

One set MISSHA Line Friend & 1 Pony Makeup Book! Who is exciting like me ?  

I really love Pony and find myself watching her youtube for hours *lol /slap And i found it fascinating 😳😳😳 and one set MISSHA brown 😱😱😱 *me wanttt!!!! What we have to do to win the giveaway ? 

1. First you have to be Indonesian to join this giveaway and have instagram account and blog
2. Then follow HELLOSASYACHI.com (via google friend connect) 
3. Third step you have to make *Day and Night* makeup look and posting it with keywors hellosasyachi.com and Sasyachi's birthday giveaway.
4. Follow her instagram @sasyachi
6. And don't forget to upload your looks on instagram with caption: This is my day and night makeup look! Don't forget to write your blog link on caption and hashtag #sasyachibirthdaygiveaway !

So here is my entry , even tho I am not really good at makeup, but i tried my best 😆😆

So here what i use for my makeup looks. 

1. Day makeup look

So i decide to do simple looks for my day makeup. I am using Luxe grey softlens , why I using grey softlens? Because it's the only color that suit my face , since i colored my hair grey 😂😂😂 . First I am using Lunasol bb cream , then Anastashia beverly hills the perfect brow. Trying to make korean eyebrow but epic failed (since i have thick eyebrow , and shaped like nike logo *lol) and using naked 2 light brow color, copper for eyeshadow, and natural fake eye lashes . Also Using 3CE magic touch for countour. Let not forget blush on. So for blush on i am using "I will always love you" from too faced. For lips I am using Lunasol liquid lips. If you want to see the process, you can see on my youtube channel https://youtu.be/odsFt9_eN8A *teehee Don't forget to subscribe guys lol  /slap

Product List
〰Lunasol - Smoothing Makeup Base
〰Anastasia Beverly Hills - Perfect Brow
〰Too Faced - Chocolate Bar
〰Sailormoon Makeup - Eyeliner and Pencil Liner
〰Chanel - Correcteur Perfection
〰3CE - Magic Touch Face Maker
〰Too Faced - I Will Always Love You blush on
〰Marie Beauty eye cream - lashies glue
〰Maybelline - Magnum mascara

2. For my night makeup looks

Still using the same makeup as my day looks but the difference are adding more black eyeshadow and I am using double fake eyelashes , change to Luxe black softlens, and adding highlight to my cheeckbone and nose. Adding more blush on since it's night makeup *lol well yeah if you notice I am using wig here😂😂😂 Since i get bored with my current hair 😂😂😂 , still using the same liquid lips since I am just no good in red lipstict 😢😢 *sob sob sob. Tutorial for this looks coming really soon on my youtube channel!!! Update here's the link for smokey eye tutorial : https://youtu.be/FsCkBEt4bbs

I hope you guys enjoy this post , and i will see you on my next post or youtube channel https://youtu.be/odsFt9_eN8A   I am looking forward to see some feedback from you guys ,please leave some comment <3 and last but not least don't forget to join #sasyachibirthdaygiveaway <3 see yaaaaa!!!!!