Have been so random lately, and I don't know what's to do. Basically I lost all my trust to a person that i thought that she is kind. But who knows that someone that you have been trust for a long time, can be a bast*rd in seconds. well, enough with my random thing.
This is what I wear to school yesterday. Well some of you might have seen it if you follow my Instagram. Wearing my new Stressed Depressed but Well Dressed tee * I DIY it into tank top* that I got from paper flavor, matching it with my jacket that i bought from Topshop 2 month ago in Singapore, jeans and my leopard shoes from Hongkong. I know it's so emo right? haha. So tell me how's your day ? :))
Bennie - Royaltoxic // Army Jacket - Topshop // Well Dress Tee - Paper flavor // Spike Shoes - Hongkong |