
Good Bye and Hello

I don't know what should I write right now, just sitting in front of my computer for 2 hour and write nothing. Since my friend who used to be my personal photographer on her holiday so it's really hard for me to update my blog. Anyway i know it's so late but better late than never say it right? So Merry Berry Christmas 2012 and Happy New Year 2013 everyone ‹з. 2012 have gave us much lesson, blessing and good memories, good start and unforgettable ending. Hope 2013 bring you happiness as well.

By the way how's your holiday ? I'm spent my holiday at home with my family. If you read this post, I'm probably  on the way to my grandparents house. Gonna spending my new year eve at my grandparents house. Once again happy new year everyoneee :))



Another quick post, meet JAGGER last Saturday for the first time. Actually Fahmy My Whispering Style and Vania from Pudding Monster, the one who arrange everything  for this meeting. I never meet them in person before ,but i could tell they are awesome. I also met Tamara from Vanilla Sky , Cathy from Petiteness and Alita from The Fierce Berry at Carlo De Huts ,Senayan City. I thought it will turns so awkward, but who know that we instantly get close as soon as we met. I love them <3 Ps: Don't forget to visit their blog :))

All photos taken from Pudding Monster



bag- bonia , skirt - sweet escape , bustier , jackes - H&M,  heels - charlesandkeith  , hat - royal toxic

Just wanna post some quick post today. This what i wore today,i wore this songket skirt a few times but i never had a chance to take a photo. This songket skirt is some part of my assignment. I really love the fabric since it's really comfortable. You can get this songket skirt on January, since i'll open my first online store {sweet escape} soon. I have been working on it now. I'll be the designer also the one who choose the fabric, and All clothes is hand made product *yeay*, and it will available in S,M,L. I hope everything goes as it's planned *wish me luck*. For now, you can like and follow my online shop facebook *here* and twitter *here*.I also wore my  beanie cat from royal toxic , i really love this beanie cat ,you can get them *here*

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black bustier , H&M denim jacket , snake skin jeans -gift , ZORRA -  hot pink clutch

It's been a while since the last time I blogged. My time management is kinda complicated. My bad. Actually love everything to be planed , but somehow my plan didn't work as it planned. Well, we can't always get everything happen as it's planned right ? 

Anyway last Sunday after went to church. I met my girls at hotel Borobudur Jakarta to attended some seminar then we're having lunch at Grand Indonesia afterward. I was wearing my new hot pink clutch from Zorra , you can get the clutch here . I falling in love with the pink suede clutch from the first time and It's hand made! well, who doesn't love it? :p

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Don't Eat My Granny

After a few crazy week , I finally can update my blog again. I couldn't happier leave the stress behind . Thanks to school schedule, I couldn't take some outfit photos. Anyway, Happy *late* Halloween everyone <3 I know this is late, but better late than never right?

So for this year Halloween I decided to go as Little Red Ridding Hood. The problem is, I couldn't find any cape with hood anywhere. So made the cape by my self (make the pattern , cut the fabric etc), but no worries since I enjoy the progress.  So here is it the look, enjoy!

white dress - Zara


The Goods Dept

So i went to The Goods dept grand opening at Pacific Place last Thursday. Since my friends couldn't come with me ,so i came with my little bro. I was so pissed with the traffic that day, I couldn't believe I have to wait my driver to took me at my school , and He late for 2 hours and 30 minutes. I have to wait in school lobby , when the other student may have already at their home. Ugh, okay enough with the traffic thing.




There are may way to get gorgeous, well using make up is one of the way. Actually I'm not a big fan of make up, but I do wear simple make up everyday. Using lipstick , eye liner, etc... but wait! Do I miss something? You right. Well you see I've got problem with my eyes. Since I don't have eye crease , my eyes look so small! But it doesn't matter from now on because I have D'EYEKO

                                                   //CLICK READ MORE BUTTON TO SEE MORE PHOTOS//


Be Proud

Dress - unbranded , necklace - (X)SML , Boots - Juneandjulia

"God gave you shoes to fit you. So put'em on and wear'em. Be yourself man , be proud of who you are" - Eminem


Tomorrow Land

Hello everyone? How is life? I've been busy with my school thing. Doing this and that , I even couldn't blog walking and update my blog. My bad. Anyway last Friday, I went to "Tomorrow Land"  Annual Fashion (X)SML Show 12/13. The show started at 6 PM , by the way the show held at FairGround Kuningan Jakarta.


Play With Shadow

This outfit post I taken during my visit to one my friend house. I've been busy lately with my school stuff. Doing some project in my friend house, since it's more fun if we doing together *yet it's personal project*. but end up chatting and watching DVD together :p .  So how is your day guys?



Here I am again, while other still enjoy their holiday. I've to doing some assignment . Well, I know that I can't update my blog , since i have to finished my assignment. But well, I'll finish it later :p  So what are you doing guys during your holiday ? I hope you have a great trip :D



Singapore Photo Diary

The weather have been hot lately, and it would be great if i have remote control to control the sun. Well, anyway I just take photos with my new baby. Actually I'm not really into flower print , until i  met sweet sartorial (click here) . I'm falling in love with flower print for the first time! They have a good quality short and the flower print are just lovely <3



When rose is blue

So I took this photos two weeks ago, when I went to one of my relative house and also the day when I knew that I passed national exam :D. Actually I don't know what should  do that time, so I just took some photos as you can see. They have a such a lovely garden.
 wearing one of my mom's favourite skirt. She bought it for me when i was 10 grade. I know it's so lovely right? 

tank top - pullandbear

green shoes - singgapore

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It has been a rainy day since morning, so i couldn't help but have a photoshot inside my house. i forgot to tell you that now I'm officially graduate from high school, I'm so happy and also sad. I have to leave my senior high school life. I don't believe it's have been 3 years already. I just feel like i wanna go to school , sit down on the classroom , sharing jokes with my friend , sleeping in the class, etc. and I know I will miss everything :") 

heels - newlook

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Last Wednesday I attended to GUESS 30th anniversary party at Senayan City, Jakarta. Congrats to GUESS the party was success. GUESS also launch fall edition. The event was super crowded and i couldn't move at all! but I'm manage to take some photos, lucky me i don't wear dress or high heels, because i think i might die in the sea of people if carrying my camera while i wearing dress and high heels. :P  and here is it.

and this is my favourite 

Ci Caroline and her friends

I'm also meet one of my favorite fashion blogger Ci Caroline , she so pretty ,tall and gorgeous .

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just wanna share you some outfit that i used yesterday. yesterday , i went to sinou cafe at jakarta selatan with my class to took some photos for our yearbook. i really love those place , because it's vintage interior . oh, yeah i forgot to tell you our theme for our yearbook is vintage. it's take 4 hours and 30 minutes to take a whole class photos. if you can see i used simple unbranded backless dress  ,  leather collar from argyle oxford , and pump heels from new looks.
glasses - lookdeloop shop

leather collar - argyle oxford



Hey guys, Finally I'm able to make some new post again. i finished my national exam today! yeay ! After having a hard day for 4 days , now i can relax and feel freedom . Now i have much free time than before, and hopefully i can make another good post !


I am back

Finally I'm able to update my blog again. I have been busy lately with my tasks as 12 grade , and next week I'm gonna face the National Examination starting on Monday to Thursday. well , for those who gonna face the National Exam like me , good luck ! 

btw this is the next post teaser! 


live well, love much, laugh often

5 days has been passed since the last holiday. it's time to go to school. i must say i am not ready to go to school. a bunch of project , homework, test, anything. but as a grade 12 , i'm also have to prepare my self fot the final exam. now it's looks like my school have become my second house. yeah, even though it's saturday i have to go to school! going home late from monday to friday. but i'm sure all of this is worth it at the end. well, i should doing my best from now on. * you can do it elena*

this photos i took after school. thank's to my brother who gave me some slr camera on my birthday. now, i'm able to take some photos with a good quality! *yeaaay*

 top mom's        
skirt gifted     
pump heels gifted
 oh yeah, thank to nathania calista for the cute chick! i really love it <3!